In addition to the incredible amenities, 101 Park offers the certainty that at least 62% of the environment is a native green area.
It is no news that in recent years, the real estate demand in the Riviera Maya has grown exponentially, giving many people the opportunity to fulfill their dream of living in paradise.

And if we are talking about paradise, we can not fail to put in the center of Tulum, formerly called Zamá, which means “dawn” and gives a clear sense of what it means not only to live but to inhabit this privileged area, where the sea meets the jungle, within the exclusive 101 Park area.
The creation of this space, composed of 55 apartments in a residential complex of 20,000 m2, is inspired by the integration of the inhabitants to the natural, organic and vibrant environment, so that balance, diversity and harmony are intrinsic to the lifestyle of the 101 community.

Unlimited access to the amenities, such as Roofttop Pools, 7 Experience Parks, as well as the Gym, diversify the experience, giving meaning to that famous phrase of musician Gustavo Cerati that says “there is nothing better than home”. And to talk about our home, we have to talk about our habitat; the one we share with other species that maintain order in nature and on the planet in general because there is no real progress as long as respect for biodiversity is not prioritized. That is why it is of utmost relevance to say that the “101 Park project” has been developed prioritizing respect for the natural environment, safeguarding 62% of the native green area and developing protocols that reduce the environmental impact as much as possible.

Development awareness is perhaps the spearhead of the freshest and most innovative projects, because experience has taught us that with interdisciplinary, generous and professional work, it is possible to build the most optimal and congruent spaces for the communities of the future (and of course of the present).
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