Achieving success in real estate may seem to be the product of a pre-established formula, although our experience has taught us that every year the trends change and if you are not prepared you run the risk of getting stuck. To avoid this and to pave a successful path this year, take note of the 5 trends in real estate for 2019:

    On what does it depend that you are investing intelligently this year? You should look for dynamic, flexible and sustainable real estate assets. The return on investment will depend on its administration and use, so that anyone who looks for something like what you have, will find it easily.Los Amigos Tulum
    Our lives have turned into a kind of multitasking, so more and more developers are creating more complete units, where you can live, have your own office, go to the gym, make purchases and even enjoy different leisure activities in the same block. Thought out to save more fuel or in the best case, stop using it and replace it with other means of mobility.
    The Panoramic 360 Experience by Los Amigos Tulum
    In a world so trampled by human activity it is imperative to turn to a sustainable market and lifestyle. From renewable energies for apartments, electric cars, savings in the consumption of electricity, water to our shopping habits. Quintana Roo is focusing on reducing the use of plastic but as developers we must focus on using suitable materials for the region.Mark & Nico Los Amigos Tulum in front of The Smartflower System at Central Park Tulum
    When investigating trends in real estate we did not expect the increase in tourism to be considered as one; but this year and according to Adriana Velázquez Morlet, delegate of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of Quintana Roo, Tulum closed 2018 with around two million 300 thousand tourists, so this point becomes a factor to keep in mind when investing in Tulum thinking about that market.tourism in tulum
    Entering the last year of the second decade of this century, it is clear how much we have advanced in technology. The houses and housing units have intelligent systems able to control the temperature of the rooms automatically or with a simple voice command, make online searches, make calls, control devices and, in some very advanced cases, to prepare food, facilitating our lives.tulum development

It is always necessary to consider the essential elements so that your investments are fruitful and above all so that they contribute a cessation to the environmental impact of which we are witnesses and which we will also leave to future generations.

Let us know which of these trends you find most interesting and if you want to know the latest real estate in Tulum click here.

tulum development

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